EVAAL 2012 - Second EvAAL Competition on Localization and Activity Recognition
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Category localization;tracking;activity recognition
Deadline: April 08, 2012 | Date: July 02, 2012-July 06, 2012
Venue/Country: Madrid, Spain
Updated: 2012-02-23 10:47:43 (GMT+9)
Call For Papers - CFP
Second EvAAL Competition(Evaluating AAL Systems through Competitive Benchmarking)http://evaal.aaloa.orgTrack 1: Indoor Localization and Tracking for AAL2-6 July, 2012Madrid, ESTrack 2: Activity Recognition for AAL9-13 July, 2012Valencia, ESin conjunction with the AAL Forum(24-27 September 2012, Eindhoven, NL)An initiative supported by the AALOA community (http://www.aaloa.org)by the universAAL project (http://www.universAAL.org)We are pleased to announce the second EvAAL Competition. EvAAL is anewborn initiative that aims at bringing together both academic andindustrial research communities to work together on challenging and openproblems in Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), with the purpose ofevaluating different approaches and envisioning new researchopportunities. The universAAL project organises this competitionbecause it is an opportunity to find good solutions to relevant AALchallenges. To participate in the competition is therefore also anopportunity to influence the universAAL project. This competition is thesecond of several planned by universAAL to find good solutions todifferent challenges in the AAL domain. The whole initiative isorganized as an AALOA project so that the AAL community is involved fromthe beginning and can more easily take over the continuation of EvAALafter the universAAL project finishes.During the competitions, we will collect large datasets that will beuseful as benchmarks to researcher communities for the simulationand test of their solutions. These will be significant benchmarks,because they will have been collected in a realistic environment (theliving labs).The competition is composed of two tracks and a final workshop:- Track 1 on Indoor Localization and Tracking for AAL, to be held on the16-20 July, 2012 at the Smart House Living Lab of the PolytechnicUniversity of Madrid, Spain- Track 2 on Activity Recognition for AAL, to be held on the 9-13 July,2012 at the CIAmI Living Lab in Valencia, Spain- EvAAL workshop to be held in conjunction with the AAL Forum on the24-27 September 2012, Eindhoven, NL (http://www.aalforum.eu/).Track 1 - Indoor Localization and Tracking for AALLocalization is a key component for achieving context-awareness. Recentyears have witnessed an increasing trend of location-based services andapplications. In most cases, however, location information is limited bythe accessibility to Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), largelyunavailable for indoor environments. The aim of this competition is toaward the best indoor localization system from the point of view ofAmbient Assisted Living (AAL) applications.Track 2 - Activity Recognition for AALThe automatic and unobtrusive identification of user's activities is oneof the challenging goals of context-aware computing. Real-timemonitoring of human activities could be a useful tool for many purposesand future applications such as lifelog, healthcare or entertainment.The aim of this competition is to award the best activity recognitionsystem from the point of view of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)applications.Candidate competitors are invited to submit a paper describing theirsystem to the appropriate track. A "competitor" can be any individual orgroup of individuals working as a single team, associated to a single ora number of organisations. The papers will undergo a peer review by thetechnical program committee members. The papers must include adescription of the hardware, deployment, and algorithms and protocolsused, and the description of the internal data produced and processed bythe system.Each paper must not exceed 4 pages (including tables, figures, etc.) andmust be submitted by April 8th, 2012 using the instructions that will bepublished on the EvAAL website (http://evaal.aaloa.org).The evaluation criteria for the competition, restrictions on theaccepted technologies, and a description of the benchmarks are detailedin the technical annexes of this call (see notes below). Possiblerefinements of the annexes, also based on participating competitorscomments, will be timely distributed to all participants.Depending on the number of accepted papers, it may be necessary torestrict participation in the competition to the best ranked papers, dueto space/logistic constraints at the Living Labs.Selected competitors are admitted to the competition and inclusion oftheir paper in the proceeding under the three following conditions:1. participate to the competition in July at the living lab hosting thetrack to which they participate; the organizers will set individualappointments for each competing team2. present their work at the final EvAAL workshop that will be held inconjunction with the AAL Forum, (24-27 September 2012,Eindhoven,NL)3. provide the organizers with the internal data produced by their systemsduring the competition as will be specified by the reviewers; providethe documentation describing the deployment of their system, asrequested by the organizers: the data will be published on the EvAALwebsite.The winner(s) of the competition will be announced at a special sessionof the AAL forum, a major event in the field of Ambient Assisted Livingin Europe. A prize will be awarded to the best entries.We encourage submissions from both academia and industry (there are norestrictions on the composition of competing teams) with the aim ofseeking innovative localization and activity recognition solutions forAAL applications. Please check the EvAAL web site (http://evaal.aaloa.org)for more information and regular updates on progress with thecompetition.Contact: infoevaal.aaloa.orgImportant DatesPaper Submission Deadline: April 8th, 2012Acceptance Notification: May 4th, 2012Camera Ready Deadline: June 30th, 2012Organizing Committee:General ChairStefano Chessa, University of Pisa and ISTI-CNR (IT)Local Committee co-Chairs:Juan Carlos Narajo Martinez, ITACA (ES)Dario Salvi, Polytecnic University of Madrid (ES)Publication co-Chairs:Reiner Wichert, Fraunhofer IGD (DE)Stefan Knauth, Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences (DE)Publicity co-Chairs:Casper Dhal Marcussen, Region Syddanmark (DK)Francesco Potortì, ISTI-CNR (IT)Dataset Management Chair:Juan Pablo Lazaro, TSB Soluciones Tecnologicas (ES)Software Tools Chair:Dario Salvi, Polytecnic University of Madrid (ES)Financial Chair:Francesco Furfari, ISTI-CNR (IT)Track 1 Technical Program Committee (Indoor Localization for AAL)Chair: Paolo Barsocchi, ISTI-CNR (IT)Members:Adriano Moreira, University of Minho (PT)Ivan Martinovic, University of Oxford (UK)Rainer Mautz, ETH (CH)Binghao Li, University of New South Wales (AU)Neal Patwari, University of Utah (US)Cesar Benavente-Peces, Polytechnic University of Madrid (ES)Dante I. Tapia, University of Salamanca (ES)Hanke Sten, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (AT)Francesco Furfari, CNR-ISTI (IT)Stefan Knauth, Stuttgart University (DE)Tomás Ruiz-López, University of Granada (ES)Andreas Braun, Fraunhofer Institute (DE)Patricial Abril, Polytechnic University of Madrid (ES)Francesco Potortì, CNR-ISTI (IT)Ma Pilar Sala Soriano, Polytechnic University of Valencia (ES)Michele Girolami, CNR-ISTI (IT)Filipe Meneses, University of Minho (PT)Dario Salvi, Polytechnic University of Madrid (ES)Track 2 Technical Program Committee (Activity Recognition for AAL)Chair: Juan Antonio Álvarez García, Universidad de Sevilla (ES)Members:Alessio Micheli, University of Pisa (IT)Alexander Kroener, DFKI (DE)Arantxa Rentería, Tecnalia (ES)Cecilio Angulo, Technical University of Catalonia (ES)Daniel Roggen, ETHZ (CH)Diane J. Cook, Washington State University (US)Francesco Furfari, CNR-ISTI (IT)Francesco Potortì, CNR-ISTI (IT)Juan Carlos Augusto, University of Ulster (UK)Kazuya Murao, Kobe University (JP)Mohammad-Reza (Saied) Tazari, Fraunhofer IGD (DE)Reiner Wichert, Fraunhofer IGD (DE)Roberta Giannantonio, Telecom Italia (IT)Roozbeh Jafari, University of Texas at Dallas (US)Stefano Chessa, University of Pisa (IT)Notes:(1) Competitors will be requested to interface their systems with themeasurement tools (provided by universAAL project) that will be usedin the competition. To this purpose there will be a shepherdingphase in which the EvAAL organizer will help competitors toimplement this integration.(2) Evaluation criteria for the competition, restrictions on theaccepted technologies, and a description of the benchmarks are foundin the technical annexes of this call. Refinements of technicalannexes based on competitors requests will be timely distributed toall participants. Both technical annexes (one for the localizationtrack and one for the This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
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