BIZSTRATEGY 2014 - 4th Annual International Conference on Business Strategy and Organizational Behaviour (BizStrategy 2014)
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Category Business; strategy; organizational; behaviour; gstf; Bizstrategy 2014; tourism; hospitality; innovation; entrepreneurship; enterprise marketing; globalisation; singapore
Deadline: May 16, 2014 | Date: July 21, 2014-July 22, 2014
Venue/Country: Singapore, Singapore
Updated: 2013-12-30 21:29:05 (GMT+9)
Call For Papers - CFP
Developing a successful business involves the formulation and implementation of an effective competitive strategy. The parameters of what define business success have undergone a transformation over the years. Organizations seek to achieve sustainable competitive advantage to stay ahead of competitors and to create value for all its stakeholders. This requires innovative strategies coupled with a motivated workforce.The Annual International Conference on Business Strategy and Organizational Behavior (BizStrategy) provides an opportunity for academicians, researchers, experienced professionals and business practitioners from across the world to share the findings of their latest research related to business strategy from multiple perspectives, such as finance, marketing, IT, Human Resource etc. Research focused on behavior and people issues is also welcome. The conference has planned three special tracks, that is, tourism and hospitality research, innovation and entrepreneurship, and enterprise marketing and globalization.A business strategy provides an overall direction to the organization. Strategic planning in business is a vital back end exercise, and one that demands your own thoughts and ideas. Unlike most other business areas, strategic planning can’t be outsourced or passed on to other parties ? it’s something you, as a business owner, will need to concern yourself with, and your drive and passion is the main factor sitting behind any success you do ultimately achieve. Thus your personal investment in strategic planning is fundamental to growing and improving the way your business operates. For any small business owner, the importance in business strategy planning is obvious and essential to long term success, thus it is a factor that should be considered on a frequent, if you weekly or daily basis. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:Disruptive TechnologyTechnology in MSMEsTechnology adoptions by Indian companiesTechnology in Emerging EconomiesBottom of the PyramidBlue Ocean StrategyCorporate restructuring and ChangeE-Business practice, management and strategyE-business policy, standards, regulations, and legal issuesE-business economics and development trendGlobal e-business operations and supply chain managementGreen e-business, organization, technology and practicesStrategic management in e-commerce enterpriseApproaches and Models of Strategic ManagementChallenges to Strategic ManagementThe Strategic Audit: Aid to Strategic Decision MakingEthical Issues and Social ResponsibilitiesDifferent Approaches and Models of Industry AnalysisApproaches of International Risk AssessmentStrategic Issues in Managing Stakeholder RelationshipsGlobal Branding Issues in Strategic ManagementApproaches to Evaluating Competitive IntelligenceCompetitive Analysis Techniques-how to useResearch on Core and Distinctive CompetenciesStrategic Marketing & Financial IssuesStrategic Information Technology IssuesCorporate Strategy Formulation ApproachesSWOT Analysis and Carrying Out Business StrategyTypes of Business Competitive StrategyTypes of Cooperative StrategyPortfolio Analysis Approaches and TechniquesApproaches of Corporate Parenting StrategyUnrelated Strategy: Criteria of Holding Type Strategy (Multipoint Composition)Advanced Types of Organizational StructuresSituational Analysis for Strategic PlanningLeadership and Strategic ManagementConstructing Corporate Scenarios for Generating Strategic AlternativesProblems of Global StrategyAdvanced Types of Organizational Structures for Effective Strategy ImplementationStructure and Staffing Relations with StrategyProblems in Implementing Growth and Retrenchment StrategiesRelationship of Management by Objectives and Strategic ManagementRelationship of Total Quality Management and Strategic IssuesLeadership and Leading Types for Effective Strategy Formulation and ImplementationInternational Strategic Performance MeasurementStrategic Issues in Managing Technology and InnovationCategories of Innovation for Proper Strategy FormulationRole of the Entrepreneur as StrategistWhat is an "effective" or a "valuable" relationship at work, what underlies relational efficacy and upon what contextual factors does it depend?How do organization members build effective relationships at work?How does the process of relationship emergence differ when the targets are internal (versus external) to the organization? What is the nature of this process in virtual relationships?How might peer relations in organizations serve as mechanisms of control and what are the means that managers use to gain control over such relations?What is the role of social categorization and other interpersonal processes, such as perspective-taking, on the emergence of relationships within and across teams and organizations?How do employees use their relationships with others in the workplace to influence their self-identity and the meaning of their jobs?How do relational networks within and between organizations change over time, and what are the key drivers of such change
Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
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