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    NAFTA Rules of Origin and Documentation

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    Category Trade

    Deadline: July 29, 2014 | Date: July 29, 2014

    Venue/Country: online, U.S.A

    Updated: 2014-07-15 18:23:40 (GMT+9)

    Call For Papers - CFP


    Why Should You Attend:

    Understand how to meet the rules that are required to qualify your imports/exports between the three NAFTA countries (United States, Canada, and Mexico). It will also assist you in properly completing the NAFTA Certificate of Origin for qualified goods in order to receive duty-free treatment. It will help you in preventing errors that could result in severe civil and/or criminal penalties imposed by each country's Customs administration and preparing for a NAFTA audit.

    Description of the Topic:

    NAFTA is the largest free trade agreement between the United States, Mexico, and Canada. The NAFTA provides for the entry of goods duty-free into each of the countries provided that the goods meet the strict rules of origin in the agreement. A NAFTA Certificate of Origin is required for most goods that can qualify under the rules and must be completed by the exporter and in possession of the importer when the goods are entered into the importing country. Failure to know the rules and properly complete the NAFTA Certificate of Origin and maintain proper documentation can result in severe penalties

    Areas Covered in the Session:

    ? Overview of NAFTA Agreement

    ? General Rules of Origin A through F

    ? Completion of NAFTA Certificate of Origin

    ? Recordkeeping Requirements

    ? Audits

    ? Penalties

    ? Resources

    Who Will Benefit:

    Importers, Exporters, and Manufacturers, Purchasing, Accounting, Shipping/Receiving, Sales/Marketing, Engineering/Manufacturing, Freight Forwarders/Customhouse Brokers, Consultants, Attorneys, compliance personnel qualifying goods under NAFTA.

    Webinar Includes:

    Q/A Session with the Expert to ask your question

    PDF print only copy of PowerPoint slides

    90 Minutes Live Presentation

    Certificate of Attendance

    Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
    Disclaimer: ourGlocal is an open academical resource system, which anyone can edit or update. Usually, journal information updated by us, journal managers or others. So the information is old or wrong now. Specially, impact factor is changing every year. Even it was correct when updated, it may have been changed now. So please go to Thomson Reuters to confirm latest value about Journal impact factor.