ICCSAI 2017 - International Conference on Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence
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Category Artiticial Itelligence, Cognitive Robotics
Deadline: June 10, 2017 | Date: July 05, 2017-July 07, 2017
Venue/Country: Tirupathi, India
Updated: 2017-05-04 14:08:27 (GMT+9)
Call For Papers - CFP
Conference TopicsCognitive ScienceComputational Intelligence and Soft ComputingBrain Function AnalysisFoundations, algorithms, models and theory of data miningMachine learning and statistical methods for data miningData mining systems and platforms, their efficiency, scalability and privacyData mining in modeling, visualization, personalization and recommendationNeural NetworksRestricted Boltzmann MachineDeep Belief NetworkFuzzy LogicRough SetsEvolutionary Algorithms (EA)Genetic Algorithms (GA)Swarm IntelligenceArtificial Immune Systems And Support Vector MachinesAnd any other domain related to the objective of the conference. The papers should neither be published previously nor currently under review by any other conference or journal. The papers should contain the relevant technical support, experimental proof and cross validation by the available literature or any other experiment and tools. The papers can be based on Hypothesis, Novel innovation, case study or a focus on an aspect. The selected Papers would be shortlisted for the presentation on the day of conference. Decision on the papers will be intimated through e mail along with the guidelines and last dates for the submission of the camera ready manuscript. Each paper will be peer-reviewed by two experts in the field for originality, significance, clarity, impact, and soundness. All the accepted Papers will be published by Springer in the Springer Series-Forensic and Medical Bioinformatics or Helix International Journal (SCI journal and listed in Thomson reuters)
Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
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