IC4S 2019 - The 4th International Conference on Computer, Communication and Computational Sciences
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Website www.ic4s.org |
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Category computer science; computing science; Data science
Deadline: October 11, 2019 | Date: October 12, 2019-October 13, 2019
Venue/Country: Mandarin Hotel Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand, Thailand
Updated: 2019-05-10 10:56:53 (GMT+9)
Call For Papers - CFP
【Introduction】The 4th International Conference on Computer, Communication and Computational Sciences (IC4S2019) will be held on October 11-12, 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand. IC4S2019 aims to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academics and industry professionals from around the world to showcase their research and development. IC4S has been held successfully for three times. Now, welcome your participation! Full papers and abstracts are acceptable.【Publication】After refereeing process, all accepted papers will be published by Springer and will be submitted to SCOPUS, Google Scholar, ISI Proceedings, EI-Compendex, DBLP and Springer link and other major academic databases for indexation.【Topics】(include, but are not limited to)1.Hardware and Software Design2.Distributed and Parallel Processing3.Advance Software Engineering4.Computer Graphics and Multimedia5.Computer Communication6.Computer Security7.Artificial Intelligence8.Evolutionary Computing9.Advanced Database Management Systems【Contact】Email:cfpic4s.org Website: http://www.ic4s.org
Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
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