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    HR TRAINING 2018 - Comparison between USA and Canadian Systems

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    Category Employment Law in USA,online hr compensation training,employment law us vs canada,employment compensation act,employment law and regulations

    Deadline: October 09, 2018 | Date: October 09, 2018

    Venue/Country: Online Event, U.S.A

    Updated: 2018-08-10 18:43:49 (GMT+9)

    Call For Papers - CFP

    The TrainHR Course is approved by HRCI and SHRM Recertification Provider.


    For many employers in the US, Canada offers an attractive market for business expansion. Culturally and economically close to our neighbours, Canada shares a strong western economy.

    Businesses need to be aware of the risks when considering expansion across the border. Workplace legislation and the legal policies are significantly different from those in the United States. Notably the Workers Compensation system has some unique and costly elements.

    No employer wants to see an accident or injury in their workplace. Yet, despite even the most robust health, safety and preventative measures, accidents can happen. When they do, employers in Canada need to be prepared to negotiate the complex maze of their local Workers Compensation Board.

    Some Background to the Canadian Workers Compensation System

    The roots of the Canadian Workers Compensation System took hold more than a hundred years ago; cultivated in the rich and hazardous landscape of a booming industrial and economic revolution. In 1910, Chief Justice of Ontario, Sir William Meredith, was asked to head a Royal Commission studying Workers Compensation systems throughout the world.

    In his Royal Commission report, Meredith said that the true aim of compensation law was to provide for both the injured worker and their dependents. He identified five basic principles for a compassionate system: no-fault compensation, security of benefits, collective liability, exclusive jurisdiction and administration by independent boards. The most significant of these was the idea of "no-fault compensation."This means the workers give up their right to sue their employers in exchange for no-fault income security in the event of a workplace injury. Employers pay for the system in return for protection against liability.

    The Canadian Workers Compensation System Today

    The system in Canada today is still built on the founding Meredith Principles. It is a quasi-government run system, 100% employer funded and provincially administered through individual boards. In each Province these Boards operate under different names and have different maximum benefit levels, legislative provisions, and penalty programs.

    If not managed carefully the cost of Workers Compensation penalties can have a significant and serious financial impact on a companys bottom line. This often takes employers by surprise at the end of the year when they receive a large bill stating due and payable in 30 days. The penalties are sometimes so heavy they wipe out entire profit margins.

    To navigate rough (and potentially damaging) legislative waters, it is important for businesses to chart the cause of penalties and unique differences in each relevant Province and map out the best course to manage risk.

    Why should you Attend: This session will provide a strong overview of Workers Compensation in Canada compared to the US system. Tools and techniques to contain, and reduce the overall WC expense will be discussed

    Areas Covered in the Session:

    Workers Compensation Legislative differences

    The Experience Rating Program

    The Role of Consultants in Canada

    How well managed Return to Work Programs help

    The total cost of risk

    Who Will Benefit:

    Human Resources

    Risk Managers / Directors

    Operations Managers


    Dr. Liz R. Scott - Principal & CEO, vibrantly leads Organizational Solutions Inc. As an accomplished disability management consultant recognized for award winning cost reduction results, “best practice” program designs, and the ability to solve a complex variety of concerns.

    Event link :

    Contact Details:

    NetZealous LLC, DBA TrainHR

    Phone: +1-800-385-1627


    Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
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