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    COGCOM 2009 - 2nd International Workshop on Cognitive Networks and Communications (COGCOM2009)

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    Category COGCOM 2009

    Deadline: March 15, 2009 | Date: August 02, 2009

    Venue/Country: California, U.S.A

    Updated: 2010-06-04 19:32:22 (GMT+9)

    Call For Papers - CFP

    Call for Papers

    2nd International Workshop on Cognitive Networks and Communications (COGCOM 2009) will be held in conjunction with ICCCN 2009 in August 2-6, 2009, San Francisco, USA.

    The aim of the workshop is to bring together a highly qualified group of people to present current state-of-art research and development in interrelated fields of cognitive radio and cognitive networking. To date much of the research in the cognitive networks/cognitive radio has focused on the development of dynamic and adaptive strategies, often referred to as ¡®weak¡¯ intelligence. The next big gains in this field will be realized with increasing application of ever ¡®stronger¡¯ intelligence techniques, e.g. based on machine learning. This fusion of wireless communications with the field of distributed artificial intelligence holds the promise of a new highly efficient and flexible communications paradigm, capable of supporting overlapping heterogeneous systems in pooled spectrum. Such intelligence techniques are ideally suited to the lower layers of the protocol stack, e.g. to influence routing, resource and spectrum assignment, and spectrum sensing decisions. The workshop will highlight the newest trends in this emerging area, complementing it with first practical implementations and demonstrations in this field. COGCOM seeks papers dealing with architectural issues, theoretical studies, new paradigms, enabling technologies for cognitive wireless networks, practical implementations, and policy issues. Besides the technical insights, the workshop will provide a supportive environment for technical discussions between like-minded researchers.

    This workshop intends to bring together researchers, engineers, and students to present new results, describe work in progress, and explore relationships among their diverse approaches.

    Topics (not limited to)

    • Architectures and platforms of cognitive networks

    • Distributed artificial intelligence techniques for cognitive networks

    • Cognitive routing metrics and supporting protocols

    • Reduced complexity cognitive radios and cognitive networks

    • Modeling of cognitive access techniques, including regulatory and business cases

    • Signal processing for cognitive networks

    • Physical and MAC layer issues

    • Protocols design for cognitive networks

    • Cross-layer optimization in cognitive networks

    • Security issues for cognitive networks

    • Sensor aided cognitive networks

    • Cognitive mesh networks

    • Spectrum management policy and strategy for cognitive networks

    • Peer-to-Peer technologies

    • Fast and wideband spectrum sensing

    • Measurements on the spectrum usage

    • Application of game theory and intelligence techniques for spectrum assignment

    • Testbed experiment, applications and new advances

    Submission Guidelines

    Submitted manuscripts must be formatted in standard IEEE camera-ready format (double-column, 10-pt font) and must be submitted via EDAS as PDF files (formatted for letter (8.5x11-inch) paper). The manuscripts should be no longer than 6 pages. Up to two additional pages are permitted if the authors are willing to pay an over-length charge at the time of publication (manuscripts may not exceed 8 pages). Submitted papers may not have been previously published in or be under consideration for publication in another journal or conference. The Program Committee reserves the right to not review papers that either exceed the length specification or have been submitted or published elsewhere. Submissions must include a title, abstract, keywords, author(s) and affiliation(s), and e-mail address(es). Please indicate the corresponding author.

    One registration covers two accepted papers, be conference or workshop papers. A registered but not presented paper will be removed from the IEEE Xplore library. An exception will only be possible if there is a sound reason taken by the ICCCN organization in advance.

    Please click her to submit a paper.

    Important Dates

    Paper submission due: 15 March 2009

    Author notification: 1 May 2009

    Camera-ready due: 15 May 2009

    Author registration due: 15 May 2009

    Conference dates: 2-6 August 2009

    Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
    Disclaimer: ourGlocal is an open academical resource system, which anyone can edit or update. Usually, journal information updated by us, journal managers or others. So the information is old or wrong now. Specially, impact factor is changing every year. Even it was correct when updated, it may have been changed now. So please go to Thomson Reuters to confirm latest value about Journal impact factor.