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    SCI/EI期刊,CPCI/EI会议 外文期刊 长期征稿 2024 - Chemical and Materials Engineering Conferences

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    Category SCI/EI,SCI期刊,中科院四区,EI期刊,EI目录,SCI目录,SCI会议,EI,EI检索会议.保证EI检索收录,EI期刊,SCI期刊,会议征稿在线,ISTP,CPCI,CPCI-S,CPCI-SSH,Engineering Index

    Deadline: December 28, 2024 | Date: December 30, 2024-December 31, 2024

    Venue/Country: wuhan, China

    Updated: 2018-07-04 15:38:56 (GMT+9)

    Call For Papers - CFP

    Chemical and Materials Engineering Conferences

    SCI/EI期刊,CPCI/EI会议 外文期刊 长期征稿



    QQ:1422679111 TEL:13212744212

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    2018 July

    ICAGC 2018: International Conference on Advanced Germanium Chemistry, Athens (Jul 23-24, 2018)

    ICAMP 2018: International Conference on Advanced Materials Processing, Amsterdam (Jul 16-17, 2018)

    ICAOPWT 2018: International Conference on Advanced Oxidation Processes for Wastewater Treatment, Athens (Jul 23-24, 2018)

    ICABC 2018: International Conference on Advances in Bioconjugate Chemistry, Athens (Jul 23-24, 2018)

    ICAEH 2018: International Conference on Advances in Electroconductive Hydrogels, Istanbul (Jul 23-24, 2018)

    ICAHC 2018: International Conference on Advances in Hydrogel Chemistry, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2018)

    ICAMMC 2018: International Conference on Advances in Magnetic Materials Chemistry, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2018)

    ICAOCA 2018: International Conference on Advances in Oilfield Chemistry and Applications, Athens (Jul 23-24, 2018)

    ICAPC 2018: International Conference on Advances in Polyphenol Chemistry, Athens (Jul 23-24, 2018)

    ICASOC 2018: International Conference on Advances in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Athens (Jul 23-24, 2018)

    ICACS 2018: International Conference on Amorphous and Crystalline Solids, Rome (Jul 23-24, 2018)

    ICAS 2018: International Conference on Amorphous Solid, London (Jul 26-27, 2018)

    ICASA 2018: International Conference on Amorphous Solids and their Applications, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2018)

    ICASSPA 2018: International Conference on Amorphous Solids: Structure, Properties and Applications, Istanbul (Jul 23-24, 2018)

    ICATIMC 2018: International Conference on Analytical Techniques and Instrumentation in Materials Chemistry, Barcelona (Jul 30-31, 2018)

    ICASN 2018: International Conference on Applications of Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2018)

    ICBGGC 2018: International Conference on Bioactive Glasses and Glass Ceramics, Zurich (Jul 30-31, 2018)

    ICBGBA 2018: International Conference on Bioactive Glasses for Biomedical Applications, London (Jul 26-27, 2018)

    ICBMCA 2018: International Conference on Biobased Materials Chemistry and Applications, Zurich (Jul 30-31, 2018)

    ICBMPC 2018: International Conference on Biobased Materials Physics and Chemistry, London (Jul 26-27, 2018)

    ICBEAM 2018: International Conference on Biochemical Engineering and Advanced Materials, Singapore (Jul 05-06, 2018)

    ICBEBM 2018: International Conference on Biochemical Engineering and Biomedical Materials, Prague (Jul 09-10, 2018)

    ICBEM 2018: International Conference on Biochemical Engineering and Materials, Stockholm (Jul 12-13, 2018)

    ICBTN 2018: International Conference on Biochemical Technologies and Nanomaterials, Singapore (Jul 05-06, 2018)

    ICBCCE 2018: International Conference on Bioconjugate Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Athens (Jul 23-24, 2018)

    ICBBG 2018: International Conference on Bioglass and Bioactive Glasses, Zurich (Jul 30-31, 2018)

    ICBAH 2018: International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Hydrogels, Paris (Jul 19-20, 2018)

    ICCMC 2018: International Conference on Carbon Materials and Catalysis, Prague (Jul 09-10, 2018)

    ICCNEA 2018: International Conference on Carbon Nanoparticles and Engineering Applications, Istanbul (Jul 23-24, 2018)

    ICCNN 2018: International Conference on Carbon Nanoparticles and Nanostructures, Rome (Jul 23-24, 2018)

    ICCNEA 2018: International Conference on Carbon Nanoparticles for Engineering Applications, Paris (Jul 19-20, 2018)

    ICCNNN 2018: International Conference on Carbon Nanoparticles, Nanotubes and Nanostructures, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2018)

    ICCNC 2018: International Conference on Carbon Nanotube Chemistry, Stockholm (Jul 12-13, 2018)

    ICCNCMS 2018: International Conference on Carbon Nanotube Chemistry and Materials Studies, Amsterdam (Jul 16-17, 2018)

    ICCNMS 2018: International Conference on Carbon Nanotubes and Materials Science, Paris (Jul 19-20, 2018)

    ICCNR 2018: International Conference on Carbon Nanotubes and Research, Amsterdam (Jul 16-17, 2018)

    ICCNT 2018: International Conference on Carbon Nanotubes and Technologies, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2018)

    ICCNR 2018: International Conference on Carbon Nanotubes Research, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2018)

    ICCCCM 2018: International Conference on Ceramic Chemistry and Ceramic Materials, Paris (Jul 19-20, 2018)

    ICCCCP 2018: International Conference on Ceramic Chemistry and Chemical Preparation, Amsterdam (Jul 16-17, 2018)

    ICCCCA 2018: International Conference on Ceramic Chemistry and Clay Analysis, Stockholm (Jul 12-13, 2018)

    ICCPAH 2018: International Conference on Characterization, Preparation and Applications of Hydrogels, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2018)

    ICCEAM 2018: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials, Amsterdam (Jul 16-17, 2018)

    ICCEBP 2018: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Biochemical Processes, Prague (Jul 09-10, 2018)

    ICCEBT 2018: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Bioseparation Technologies, Amsterdam (Jul 16-17, 2018)

    ICCEBA 2018: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Application, Athens (Jul 23-24, 2018)

    ICCEGP 2018: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Green Polymers, Prague (Jul 09-10, 2018)

    ICCEIM 2018: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Inorganic Materials, Singapore (Jul 05-06, 2018)

    ICCEMP 2018: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Materials Processing, Amsterdam (Jul 16-17, 2018)

    ICCEMT 2018: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Materials Technologies, Stockholm (Jul 12-13, 2018)

    ICCEN 2018: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Nanomaterials, Prague (Jul 09-10, 2018)

    ICCEPC 2018: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Polymer Chemistry, Prague (Jul 09-10, 2018)

    ICCESM 2018: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Structural Materials, Prague (Jul 09-10, 2018)

    ICCESM 2018: International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Structured Materials, Singapore (Jul 05-06, 2018)

    ICCEMEMM 2018: International Conference on Chemical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering and Metallic Materials, Athens (Jul 23-24, 2018)

    ICCEDM 2018: International Conference on Chemical Equipment Design and Manufacturing, Amsterdam (Jul 16-17, 2018)

    ICCMBT 2018: International Conference on Chemical Materials and Bioseparation Technologies, Rome (Jul 23-24, 2018)

    ICCMCRE 2018: International Conference on Chemical Materials and Chemical Reaction Engineering, Amsterdam (Jul 16-17, 2018)

    ICCME 2018: International Conference on Chemical Materials and Electrochemistry, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2018)

    ICCMPC 2018: International Conference on Chemical Materials and Physical Chemistry, Singapore (Jul 05-06, 2018)

    ICCMPS 2018: International Conference on Chemical Materials and Polymer Structures, Amsterdam (Jul 16-17, 2018)

    ICCMPS 2018: International Conference on Chemical Materials and Process Safety, Istanbul (Jul 23-24, 2018)

    ICCMRE 2018: International Conference on Chemical Materials and Reaction Engineering, Paris (Jul 19-20, 2018)

    ICCREMP 2018: International Conference on Chemical Reaction Engineering and Materials Processing, Prague (Jul 09-10, 2018)

    ICCREMT 2018: International Conference on Chemical Reaction Engineering and Materials Technologies, Singapore (Jul 05-06, 2018)

    ICCTMS 2018: International Conference on Chemical Technologies for Materials Science, Amsterdam (Jul 16-17, 2018)

    ICCTT 2018: International Conference on Chemical Toxicology Testing, Athens (Jul 23-24, 2018)

    ICCMME 2018: International Conference on Chemical, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Athens (Jul 23-24, 2018)

    ICCG 2018: International Conference on Chemistry and Graphene, Amsterdam (Jul 16-17, 2018)

    ICCGM 2018: International Conference on Chemistry and Graphene Materials, Stockholm (Jul 12-13, 2018)

    ICCIR 2018: International Conference on Chemistry and Igneous Rocks, Stockholm (Jul 12-13, 2018)

    ICCCN 2018: International Conference on Chemistry of Carbon Nanotubes, Istanbul (Jul 23-24, 2018)

    ICCCNA 2018: International Conference on Chemistry of Carbon Nanotubes and their Applications, Paris (Jul 19-20, 2018)

    ICCG 2018: International Conference on Chemistry of Graphene, Zurich (Jul 30-31, 2018)

    ICCGM 2018: International Conference on Chemistry of Graphene Materials, Paris (Jul 19-20, 2018)

    ICCGO 2018: International Conference on Chemistry of Graphene Oxide, Stockholm (Jul 12-13, 2018)

    ICCIR 2018: International Conference on Chemistry of Igneous Rock, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2018)

    ICCMA 2018: International Conference on Chemistry of Metals and Alloys, Prague (Jul 09-10, 2018)

    ICCN 2018: International Conference on Chemistry of Nickel, Stockholm (Jul 12-13, 2018)

    ICCPASM 2018: International Conference on Chemistry, Physics and Applications of Soft Materials, Paris (Jul 19-20, 2018)

    ICCITM 2018: International Conference on Clothing Industry and Textile Machineries, Singapore (Jul 05-06, 2018)

    ICCMTC 2018: International Conference on Clothing Manufacturing and Textile Chemistry, Singapore (Jul 05-06, 2018)

    ICCESGG 2018: International Conference on Commercial and Experimental Sol-Gel Glasses, Zurich (Jul 30-31, 2018)

    ICCCCEA 2018: International Conference on Composite Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Applications, Rome (Jul 23-24, 2018)

    ICCCCE 2018: International Conference on Composite Chemistry and Composites Engineering, Istanbul (Jul 23-24, 2018)

    ICCCCEA 2018: International Conference on Composite Chemistry and Composites Engineering Applications, Toronto (Jul 19-20, 2018)

    ICCCN 2018: International Conference on Composite Chemistry and Nanocomposites, Paris (Jul 19-20, 2018)

    ICCAS 2018: International Conference on Crystalline and Amorphous Solids, Rome (Jul 23-24, 2018)

    ICDCCCR 2018: International Conference on Descriptive Crystal Chemistry and Crystallography Research, Stockholm (Jul 12-13, 2018)

    Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
    Disclaimer: ourGlocal is an open academical resource system, which anyone can edit or update. Usually, journal information updated by us, journal managers or others. So the information is old or wrong now. Specially, impact factor is changing every year. Even it was correct when updated, it may have been changed now. So please go to Thomson Reuters to confirm latest value about Journal impact factor.