5GWF 2019 - IEEE 5G World Forum 2019 (5GWF)
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Website http://ieee-wf-5g.org/ |
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Category 5GWF 2019
Deadline: May 15, 2019 | Date: September 30, 2019-October 03, 2019
Venue/Country: Dresden, Germany
Updated: 2018-12-20 21:44:35 (GMT+9)
Call For Papers - CFP
IEEE 5G World Forum 2019 – Call for Workshops and Special Session ProposalsIEEE 5G World Forum 2019 (5GWF) http://ieee-wf-5g.org/ 30 Sept-2 October 2019, International Congress Center Dresden – ICCD, Dresden, Germany On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we would like to invite you to submit your work to the IEEE 5G World Forum 2019 (http://ieee-wf-5g.org/) to be held on 30 Sept-2 October 2019, International Congress Center Dresden – ICCD, Dresdren, Germany5G systems should unveil a novel mobile network architecture that not only improves physical data rate, but also creates a new ecosystem allowing the deployment of novel services and applications. A key target is to build a novel network architecture that should support not only classical mobile broadband applications and services but also vertical industry (e.g. Intelligent Transport, Industrial IoTs, eHealth, etc.) and other services. This conference aims to bring experts from industry, academia and research to exchange their vision as well as their achieved advances towards 5G, and encourage innovative cross-domain studies, research, early deployment and large-scale pilot showcases that address the challenges of 5G. Track 1: 5G Technologies Track 2: 5G Application and Services Track 3: 5G & IoT Track 4: 5G Security and Privacy Track 5: 5G Trials, Experimental Results and Deployment Scenarios Track 6: 5G Hardware and Test / Measurements Track 7: 5G Special Verticals Track 8: 5G Special TopicalSpecial Session and Workshop Proposal SubmissionsProposals for workshops and special sessions of general interest and relevance to 5G will be considered. These should address the Technical Community and/or provide educational or expository material or recognition of significant contributions to the advancement of 5G technologies. They should emphasize on current topics relevant to the IoT community on the latest research, engineering, standards and business issues and should include a mix of regular and invited presentations. Special Sessions should complement the regular program with new and emerging topics of interest.Each Special Session/Workshop must include the following and should be maximum five pages:TitleLength of the workshop (half/full day)Names, contacts and a short bio (200 words) of the workshop organizersBrief description of the workshop including abstract, scope and timeliness.Planned format of the workshop including no. of referred papers, hot topic sessions, keynotes, and panel discussions.Potential participants including TPC members and invited speakers.Brief description of advertising planPrior history the workshop (if any)Draft call for papersAny other relevant informationAccepted Special Sessions and workshops must implement IEEE academic best practices regarding peer reviews and paper publication. Accepted and presented paper will be added to IEEE Xplore and the conference proceedings.The proposal must be submitted through EDAS system at – https://edas.info/N25426 using the option for “Special Sessions or Workshop Proposal”.Special Session Proposals: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=25426&track=93597Workshop Proposals: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=25426&track=93434Special Sessions and Workshop proposalProposals due: December 23, 2018Notification of selection: December 30, 2018Website for special session: January 14, 2018Deadline for paper submission: May 15, 2019Acceptance Notification: June 30, 2019Camera-Ready Submission: July 31, 2019** Summary Important Dates **General ConferenceManuscripts Due: April 15, 2019Acceptance Notification: June 30, 2019Camera-Ready Submission: July 31, 2019Special Sessions and Workshop proposalProposals due: December 23, 2018Notification of selection: December 30, 2018Website for special session: January 14, 2018Deadline for paper submission: May 15, 2019Acceptance Notification: June 30, 2019Camera-Ready Submission: July 31, 2019Industry Forum Sessions proposalProposals due: April 15, 2019Notification of selection: April 30, 2019Tutorials proposalProposals due: April 15, 2019Notification of selection: April 30, 2019For more information and submission instructions please visit the conference website: http://ieee-wf-5g.org/
Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
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