CFCS 2121 - Advances of Deep Learning in Smart Cities and Industry 4.0
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Category Artificial Intelligence; Convolution Neural Network; Optimization; Smart Cities; Industry 4.0
Deadline: June 21, 2021 | Date: July 21, 2121-July 22, 2121
Venue/Country: Malaysia
Updated: 2021-06-07 00:48:39 (GMT+9)
Call For Papers - CFP
CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTERSBook Title: Advances of Deep Learning in Smart Cities and Industry 4.0Publisher: Cambridge Scholars PublishingFull Chapter Submission: 21st June, 2021Editors Prof. Dr. Vasiliki Geropanta, Technical University of Crete, Greece Prof. Dr. Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber, Poznan University of Technology, Poland Dr. Joshua Thomas, UOW Malaysia; KDU Penang University College, Malaysia Dr. Pandian Vasant, MERLIN Research Centre, TDTU, VietnamABOUT THE BOOKAdvances of Deep Learning in Smart Cities and Industry 4.0 is a collection of innovative research on the methods and applications of deep learning strategies in the fields of business, economics, finance, science and engineering. While highlighting topics including data hybridization, computational modeling, and artificial intelligence, this book is ideally designed for engineers, IT specialists, data analysts, data scientists, engineers, researchers, academicians, and policy makers seeking current research on deep learning methods and its application in the smart technology industry.Deep learning is a method that is transforming the world of data and analytics. Optimization of this new approach is still unclear, however, and there’s a need for research on the various applications and techniques of deep learning in the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning.The readers across the globe are looking for wonderful material in order to provide the researchers the sufficient training of cutting-edge computation and intelligent deep learning optimization techniques to solve the complicated real world current problems. Compared with the other books, this book has a good combination of the theory introduction of advance meta-heuristics algorithm and hands-on artificial intelligence and machine learning projects. The selected demonstration problems are the hot topics in the smart cities and industry 4.0 fields. Therefore, it will become a good reference book for the young and new research scholars across the globe.The suggested book will include the state of the art considering a number of evolutions in the domain never published before: The evolution of user-system interaction in relation to Automation, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence from a human perspective and the role of these technologies in the post COVID period.Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:Machine Learning and IoT AI simulation design for IoT devices in Smart ApplicationsAutonomous Systems for Industrial Informatics ApplicationsComputer and Machine Interface in Smart Cities ApplicationsCognitive Computing and Data Analytics Techniques for Smart CitiesDeep Learning for Unstructured Data (text, images, audio, video) generated by Smart Cities ApplicationsNew Machine Learning Algorithms for Smart CitiesIoT for City Development, intelligent districts Intelligent Vehicles and its navigation for smart environmentsTheoretical Progress of New Deep Learning Algorithms for Smart CitiesSemantic Models for Industrial Applications in Smart CitiesTarget AudiencePolicy makers, chief executive officers, governmental staff, academicians, research officers, post-graduates, scientist, educationist, industrialist, business leaders, entrepreneurs, engineers, city planners and decision-makers.Submission ProcedureAuthors are invited to submit the full chapter on or before 10th March 2021. Authors will be notified by 15th April 2021 about the status of their full chapters. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project. Note: There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to this book publication, Advances of Deep Learning in Smart Cities and Industry 4.0. All manuscripts are accepted based on a double-blind peer review editorial process.Guidelines for Book ChaptersFull chapters of 10000 to 12000 words are expected to be submitted and all authors must consult guidelines for manuscript submission at
Submission can be done online using following email at vasantglobal@gmail.comImportant Dates21st June, 2021: Full Chapter Submission15th July, 2021: Review Results Returned22nd August, 2021: Final Acceptance Notification24th October, 2021: Final Chapter SubmissionABOUT PUBLISHERCambridge Scholars Publishing is an independent academic publisher, committed to providing a forward-thinking publishing service that champions original thinking, whilst ensuring the authors at the heart of everything.Founded by former lecturers and researchers from the University of Cambridge, publish original academic work across a wide range of subjects in four key areas: Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS); Health Sciences (HS); Physical Sciences (PS); and Life Sciences (LS).Publications are marketed worldwide and sold through international booksellers and distributors including Amazon, Blackwell, Baker & Taylor, YBP and Ingram, and are widely purchased by academic libraries. In addition, the distribution partnerships are in key geographical territories such as the USA, China, India and the Middle East.Indexing Editors will submit the book to all leading databases including SCOPUS and BCI (WoS/ESCI) after publication.Inquiries can be forwarded toProf. Dr. Vasiliki Geropanta, Technical University of Crete, Greece
valina.geropanta@gmail.comDr. J. Joshua Thomas, UOW Malaysia, KDU Penang University College,Malaysia
joshua.j.thomas@gmail.comProf. Dr. Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber, Poznan University of Technology, Poland, and METU, Angkara,
Dr. Pandian Vasant, MERLIN Research Centre, TDTU, Vietnam, pvasant@gmail.com
Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
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