ICEIEC 2025 - 2025 15th International Conference on Electronics Information and Emergency Communication
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Category Communication Networks; AI;Big Data Technology;Cluster Computing;High Performance Computing;;Digital Twin
Deadline: February 28, 2025 | Date: June 21, 2025-June 22, 2025
Venue/Country: Kunala Lumpur, Malaysia
Updated: 2024-11-11 20:34:44 (GMT+9)
Call For Papers - CFP
2025 15th International Conference on Electronics Information and Emergency Communication (ICEIEC 2025) will be held on June 21-22,2025 in Kunala Lumpur,Malaysia.The conference is sponsored by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman.The conference is intended as an International forum for researchers and professionals in all areas of Artificial Intelligence Communication Networks and Artificial Intelligence Algorithms,Modeling, High Performance Computing. We invite submissions of papers presenting a high-quality original research and development for the conference tracks: (1) AI Communication Networks (2)Big Data Technology (3)Cluster Computing and High Performance Computing (4) Digital TwinAll papers must be written in English and will be reviewed by technical committees of the Conference. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements, which will be included in the IEEE Xplore digital library.Topics: The conference is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers in the following areas of interest:Track I: AI Communication NetworksArtificial Intelligence (AI)Communication Network5G/5G Redcap/6G Key TechnologyArchitecture of Network and ManagementMachine Learning and Deep LearningPre-trained large model 、SFT and RLHFAlgorithms, Modeling and ApplicationTrack II: Big Data TechnologyNew Computational Models for Big DataBig Data Science and FoundationsBig Data, Data Analytics and Data ScienceBig Data InfrastructureData Acquisition, Integration,Cleaning,and Best PracticesLarge-scale Recommendation Systems and Social Media SystemsMachine learning algorithms for Big DataBig Data Industry StandardsTrack III:Cluster Computing and High Performance ComputingHPC and Big Data application studies on large-scale clustersNew applications for converged HPC/Big Data clustersCloud-Edge Collaborative ComputingDiscovery and Utilization of Computer ResourcesNovel algorithms on clustersComputing Load Sharing and BalancingComputational Task Scheduling MechanismCloud-enabling cluster technologies and virtualizationCluster benchmarksPerformance evaluation toolsHeterogeneous clustersProgramming Models and Environments for High Performance Computing and Cluster Computing to Support Big DataSpecial Track IV: Digital TwinDigital Twin (DT) TechnologyMetaverse TechnologyDigital TechnologyCyber-Physical Systems and Smart citiesDigital Twins, FutureTransport, and Green Mobility for smart citiesDigital Twins in IoT and Industry 4.0 applicationsEmerging Technologies and Applications for Metaverse and Web3Other areas of interestInformation Analysis and InfrastructureNetwork and Data SecurityRemote Sensing and Satellite communicationHeaven-Earth Emergemcy communicationAdvances on signal and image processing for remote sensingBig Data from Earth Observation: analytics, mining, semanticsBig data and Cloud ComputingDistributed Computing and Cooperative Computing
Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
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