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    Journal Name:School library journal (New York, N.Y.) (ISSN: 0000-0566)

    Published By:


    Print ISSN: 0000-0566 0000 0566

    Aims & Scope:
    Uniform Title School library journal (New York, N.Y.)

    Description New York : R.R. Bowker Co., Xerox Co., 1961-1974.

    v. : ill. ; 29 cm.

    ISSN 0362-8930 0000-0035

    Invalid ISSN 0000-0035 0000-0566


    Title from cover.

    Cited In

    Education index

    Library literature

    Subject index to children\'s magazine

    Book review index

    Current index to journals in education

    Library & information science abstracts

    Media review digest

    Reference sources

    Life Dates Vol. 8, no. 1 (Sept. 1961)-[v. 21, no. 4] (Dec. 1974)

    Later Title

    SLJ, School library journal 0362-8930

    Former Title

    Junior libraries

    Frequency Monthly (Sept.-May)

    Subjects School libraries - Periodicals. | Children\'s libraries - Periodicals. | Young adults\' libraries - Periodicals. | Children\'s literature - Book reviews - Periodicals. | Young adult literature - Book reviews - Periodicals.

    Also Titled


    Available From R.R. Bowker, Dept. C, P.O. Box 1807, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106

    Indexed By: Education index Library literature Subject index to children\'s magazine Book review index Current index to journals in education Library & information science abstracts Media review digest Reference sources

    Impact Factor (IF): 2024 still computing

    ISSN-L: 00000566 0000 0566

    Update: 2010-03-28 12:07:15

     First 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 >> End 

    Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
    Disclaimer: ourGlocal is an open academical resource system, which anyone can edit or update. Usually, journal information updated by us, journal managers or others. So the information is old or wrong now. Specially, impact factor is changing every year. Even it was correct when updated, it may have been changed now. So please go to Thomson Reuters to confirm latest value about Journal impact factor.