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    Journal Name:Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae Fundamenta Informaticae (ISSN: 0169-2968)

    Published By: IOS Press


    Print ISSN: 0169-2968 0169 2968

    Online ISSN: 18758681

    Aims & Scope:
    Fundamenta Informaticae is an international journal publishing original research results in all areas of mathematical foundations of computer science and their applications. Papers are encouraged which contain: (i) solutions, by mathematical methods, of problems emerging in computer science, (ii) solutions of mathematical problems inspired by computer science, (iii) application studies that follow the situations in (i) and (ii). Besides traditional disciplines of interest for computer science, such as mathematical theories of programs and programming, logic in computer science and artificial intelligence, theory of computing, complexity theory, design and analysis of algorithms, theory of formal languages and automata theory, concurrency, cellular automata, database theory, logic programming, nonmonotonic reasoning, parallel algorithms, term rewriting, theory of parallel and distributed computing, the journal is open to contributions presenting methods on more areas such as adaptive strategies of computing, approximate reasoning, agent system theory, bio-computing, machine learning and pattern recognition, data mining and knowledge discovery, decision theory, DNA computing, evolutionary computation, natural computing, neural networks, quantum computing, soft computing including fuzzy sets, rough sets and granular computing. This enumeration is not intended to be exclusive. Abstracted in ACM Digital Library, CPX, Computer Literature Index, EBSCO database, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, MathSciNet, SciVerse Scopus, Science Citation Index-Expanded (SciSearch®), Zentralblatt MATH

    Indexed By:

    Impact Factor (IF): 2024 still computing

    ISSN-L: 01692968 0169 2968

    Update: 2011-04-18 06:42:53


    Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
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