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Journal Name:DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (ISSN: 1560-8115)
Published By: Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Print ISSN: 1560-8115 1560 8115
Online ISSN: 20082231
Aims & Scope: DARU is a Persian name, meaning drug. DARU has been published in Persian from 1991 to 1995,in Persian with English abstract from 1995 to 1999 and only in English language form the early of 1999 four times a year. The main scope of this journal is to publish original research articles in pharmaceutical sciences. Editorial board of DARU are specialist in different areas of pharmacy. All submitted manuscripts are initially evaluated in the editorial meeting (regularly is held every two weeks) to determine peer reviewers in the related subjects. On the basis of reviewer’s comments, the editorial committee decide about the acceptance or rejection of the submitted manuscript and in the case that the manuscript is acceptable, the main author will be asked to revise it according to the reviewer’s comments or reply to their questions and comments. Final decision about acceptance of a manuscript for publication in DARU will be made in the editorial board meeting on the basis of reviewer’s comments, author’s responses or revisions. Outstanding basic and applied papers, reviews, short communication, and notes in the pharmaceutical and biomedical fields especially pharmaceutical and biomedical analyses, chemistry & medicinal chemistry, medical biotechnology, pharmaceutics, pharmacognosy & natural products, toxicology & pharmacology, clinical pharmacy & pharmacotherapy, quality control of foods and drugs, social aspects of pharmacy, and drug design are welcome. It is believed that there are only a few international journals that have the same general scope as DARU has. Scientists and academicians in the field of drug-related matters could be audience of this journal.
Indexed By:
Impact Factor (IF): 2024 still computing
ISSN-L: 15608115 1560 8115
Update: 2011-11-25 21:42:39
Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
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